Thursday, January 10, 2008


LIVE!!! I have not been this excited about something in a LONG time. I have put hours and hours into getting my new site up and running, and I am so excited to share it with all of you!! A special thank you to Ashely Gramins who sings the version of "These are the Days" that you hear on my site. I e-mailed her a couple of months ago asking her if I could use this song on my new web page thinking she would NEVER even read my e-mail, but also knowing I had nothing to lose. Not only did she respond, she gave me permission to use the song, and had a bunch of great things to say about my work. It really started this whole "new look" project off on the right foot. Thank you, Ashley for allowing me to share your incredible voice with others.

Another special thank you to all of my friends and family who "beta" tested my new site. I can't thank you enough for all of your love, support, and feedback.

Finally, thank you to all of the amazing families I have met on this awesome ride I have been on the last 18 months. You have all touched me in some way, and I am so lucky to have spent time with each and every one of you. I hope you enjoy seeing your story play out on my new site.

I am still working on getting the ordering software moved over, but that should be up and running very soon!

Thanks again!!


Anonymous said...

Awesome awesome job!!! The new site looks great! WE're excited to see what happens for you this next year with your business! Congrats

Anonymous said...

Wow, Kristin, it really looks great! Congratulations on going live!