They even let me play a bit with this fun shot done with my fisheye lens.
The two sisters -
Oldest son -
Oldest daughter -
Youngest son -
Youngest daughter -
Just a quick sneak peak into this shoot. :) Thanks for a wonderful shoot!
My oldest son, CJ, has been REALLY upset that they are taking down the old Yankee Stadium with they move into the new one next year. It is funny how young and old, Yankee Stadium means so much to so many.
Tickets to see a game were on the top of his birthday list, but we didn't think we were going to be able to take him and we told him that. Every night he watched a game on TV with his Dad he would go to sleep crying because he wasn't going to see Yankee Stadium before they tore it down. I thought at first it was a one time thing, but it kept happening night after night and each time it just killed Chris and I.
So when Chris' father's birthday party was planned for Saturday night and we knew the Yankee's were going to be home we started hunting for tickets for Friday night.
Well...just last week we ended up getting 2 sets of 2 off of e-bay for a total of $200.00. That seems like so much, but really because this is the last season in that stadium, that price is REALLY good.
We didn't tell the boys anything. On Friday afternoon we piled them in the van and told them that Mommy needed to go to a camera store (they were NOT happy about this idea!). We drove down to the stadium and when we got there Chris said something like "look to your left" and there is was. At first CJ thought we were just driving by it, but we when told them they were actually GOING to the game they were so excited!!
It amazes me how connected CJ was to this place. It is really sad they can't leave it up. There is FAR too much history in this place for them to take it down...but I am sure new memories will be made in the new stadium.
Anyway, I captured the whole night using my new fisheye lens. I am sure this picture will be blown up big on their wall very soon!
Now it is catch up time! For those waiting for pictures, they will be coming soon!!